The United Kingdom of New Zealand and Great Britain in Samoa

Protectorate of the Suzerain Kingdom of Hauraki

The law and who we are... globally!

Crown is a global collective of individuals who today are the sovereign successors of the Crown in right of their predecessors.  On the 28 October 1835 The United Kingdom of New Zealand and Great Britain united our forefathers under one de jure administration wherein that event established and powered a global settlement and reset under a Crown collective and its administrative government. The United Kingdom of New Zealand and Great Britain in Samoa rises today in hereditary succession under the 1835 power and authority as allodial title holders/Crown land owners whereby restoring God's Kingdom here on earth.


The Declaration of the United Kingdom of New Zealand dated 28 October 1835 is a living document ambiguously written by James Busby in the nature of a mutual and collective Will and Codicil constructed and construed to deceive and mislead which captured by declaration the grantors and the other proprietors as predecessors in title by ancestry dating back to ancient times.

.----to the detriment of all ancient inhabitants to the present day by the 1839, Port Nicholson Deed of Purchase not acted upon until now for the Global enslavement by "secret trusts" maintained by military occupation under usufruct

---- of Global Assets of all Private Property Real and Personal (Funds and Stock) Transferred to the Bank of England without prior knowledge of His Majesty executed by the witness James Reddy Clendon who was admitted as Executor and Creditor

----who laid a charge on the Global Estate held in Trust through an act of bankruptcy relating to the ancient birthright or inheritance bequeathed to Ephraim of Israelite and Egyptian ancestry the 13th Tribe "I raro mai o Hauraki"

----then came a time when the lessor chiefs in the employment and loyal to the British Resident and Governor behind the guise of the Maori Wars systematically attempted to exterminate the ancient inhabitants known as Rata or Hotu the ancient Christians

----This curse and burden is onus which has Global exploitation in terms of every agreement or treaties ever made is under the control of the New Zealand Executive or Administrative Council in the Administration of Justice declared by The Declaration of the United Kingdom of New Zealand 28 October 1835 

----thereinafter the consent underpinned and maintained by the registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages to the Demise of the Crown. The Crown was deceived from the outset.

Double Tax Agreements (Mutual Administrative Assistance) Order 2013 
of all estate and inheritances under the double tax agreements

We, Our, Us are Crown

Restoration of the Kingdom

Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness
and all things shall be added unto you.
Mathew 6.33 KJV
